
The constituent in brick material which imparts yellow tint to the bricks and decreases shrinkage is




Oxide of Iron





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Following are the constitutions of good brick earth:


  • A small quantity of magnesia in brick earth imparts a yellow tint to the bricks and decreases shrinkage.
  • But excess magnesia leads to the decay of bricks.


  • It is the chief constituent of every kind of clay.
  • A good brick earth should contain about 20 to 30 percent alumina.
  • This constituent imparts plasticity to earth so that it can be moulded.


  • A good brick earth should contain about 50 to 60 percent of silica.
  • Presence of this constituent prevents cracking, shrinking and warping of raw bricks.
  • It thus imparts uniform shape to the bricks.
  • Excess of silica destroys the cohesion between particles and bricks become brittle.
  • It should be present in a finely powdered state and not in lump.


  • Lime prevents shrinkage of raw bricks.
  • Sand alone is infusible. But it slightly fuses at kiln temperature in presence of lime.
  • Excess of lime causes the brick to melt and hence its shape is lost. Lumps of lime are converted into quick lime after burning and this quicklime slakes and expands in presence of moisture.
  • About 5 to 6 percent is desirable in good brick earth.
  • It helps lime to fuse sand. It also imparts red colour to bricks.

Oxides of Iron:

  • A small quantity of oxide of iron to the extent of about 5 to 6 percent is desirable in good brick earth.
  • It helps as lime to fuse sand.
  • It also imparts red colour to bricks.
  • The excess of oxide of iron makes the brick dark blue or blackish.
  • If, on the other hand, the quantity of iron oxide is comparatively less, the bricks will be yellowish in colour.