The ________ timber which is resinous & catches fire easily.
With respect to fire resistance, timber is classified as refractory timber and non-refractory timber.
The non-refractory timber is resinous and it catches fire easily. Examples of non-refractory timbers are chir, deodar, fir, etc.
The refractory timber is non-resinous and does not catch fire easily. Examples of refractory timbers are sal, teak, etc.
Important Points Depending upon the ease with which Indian timbers can be seasoned, they are divided into three groups, namely, non- refractory timbers, moderately refractory timbers and highly refractory timbers.
1. Non-refractory timbers can be rapidly seasoned without any trouble. They can be seasoned even in the open air and sun. Examples are deodar, simul, etc.
2. Moderately refractory timbers have tendency to split and to crack during seasoning. They are therefore to be protected against rapid drying conditions. Examples are mango, rosewood, sissoo, teak, etc
3. Highly refractory timbers are likely to be damaged severaly during seasoning. They are difficult to season. Examples are axle wood, hopes, laurel, sal, etc.
The cost of seasoning of timber will naturally depend on the thickness of timber and type of timber with respect to seasoning. It will be more for highly refractory timbers and less for non- refractory timbers.