
In arches and lintels, arch ring is the


curved ring of masonry forming an arch


central voussoir of an arch


radial joints of mortar of an arch


upper surface of an arch

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Components of Arch:

Arch Ring: It is a curved ring of masonry forming an arch.

Extrados: Outer curved surface of the arch ring is called Extrados

Intrados: The curved inner surface of the arch is known as Intrados.

Spandrel: It is an irregular triangular space enclosed by the vertical line through the springing point, horizontal line from the crown of the arch, and extrados of the arch.

Skewback: It is the portion where the curved surface meets the abutments or piers.

Important Points

Some other important terms are given below:

Rise: It is the clear vertical distance between the springing line and the highest point of intrados.

Springing Line: It is the imaginary horizontal line joining the two springing points.

Voussoir: Wedge-shaped units of plain cement concrete, stone or bricks of which the arch ring is made of, is known as voussoir or arch block.