
Which of the following is the imaginary beam of same span as the original beam loaded with M/EI diagram of the original beam, such that the shear force and bending moment at a section will represent the rotation and deflection at that section in the original beam?


Conjugate beam


Peripheral beam


Prestressed reinforced beam


Reinforced beam

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Conjugate beam:

It is an imaginary beam with the same dimensions as that the shear force and bending moment at a section will represent the rotation and deflection at that section in the original beam. According to this method, a hinged, roller, fixed, free, and intermediate support in the real beam is transformed as hinged, roller, free, fixed, and internal hinge in conjugate beam respectively.

Properties of conjugate beam method:

  • The length of a conjugate beam is always equal to the length of the actual beam.
  • The load on the conjugate beam is the M/EI diagram of the loads on the actual beam.
  • Simple support for the real beam remains simple support for the conjugate beam.
  • The point of zero shear force for the conjugate beam corresponds to a point of zero slopes for the real beam.
  • The point of the maximum moment for the conjugate beam corresponds to a point of maximum deflection for the real beam.
  • The conjugate beam must be satisfied the static equilibrium condition.
  • No other loading should be applied to the conjugate beam other than the elastic weight.
  • The original beam (Real beam) must be statically determinate.