
An engine working on Otto cycle has cylinder bore of 200 mm and stroke length of 280 mm. The clearance volume is 1100 cm3. What will be the compression ratio of the engine? [Assume π = 22 7 ]









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Compression Ratio: The compression ratio of an engine is defined as the ratio of the total volume of the cylinder to the clearance volume denoted by r.

r = V t o t a l V C l e a r a n c e = V C l e a r a n c e + V S w e p t V C l e a r a n c e

r = 1 + V S w e p t V C l e a r a c n c e

where, VSwept = Swept Volume of Engine's Cylinder, VClearance = Clearance Volume of Engine's Cylinder

Swept Volume: It is also known as displacement volume. It is the volume swept through by the piston in moving between Top Dead Center to Bottom Dead Center.

V S w e p t = π 4 d 2 l

where, d = Bore Diameter, l = stroke length

Clearance Volume: When the piston is at the top dead center, the volume contained in the cylinder above the top of the piston is called clearance volume.



d = 200 mm = 20 cm, l = 280 mm = 28 cm, VClearance = 1100 cm3

V S w e p t = π 4 ( 20 ) 2 ( 28 )

VSwept = 8800 cm3

compression ratio, r = 1 + 8800 1100

compression ratio, r = 9.