
Rate should be given for each item of work, separately in words and in figures. In case there is any difference in rates between words and figures, then _______.


the sum of the two will be taken


the average of the two will be taken


the highest of the two will be taken


the lowest of the two will be taken

Text Solution
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The correct answer is option 4):(the lowest of the two will be taken)


  • The term tender refers to an invitation to bid for a project.
  • Tendering usually refers to the process whereby governments and financial institutions invite bids for large projects that must be submitted within a finite deadline.
  • The word tender can also refer to the acceptance of a formal offer, such as a takeover bid.
  • Rate should be given for each item of work, separately in words and in figures. In case there is any difference in rates between words and figures, then the lowest of the two will be taken