
In Thiessen polygon method, the average depth of rainfall calculation needs _______.


coordinates of rainfall


area of polygon surrounding the rain gauge station


number of raindrops


previous season rainfall intensity

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Thiessen Polygon Method:

The average precipitation over an area is

P a v e = P 1 A 1 + P 2 A 2 + P 3 A 3 + . . . + P n A n A 1 + A 2 + . . . + A n

Where P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , . . . . A n a r e t h e r a i n f a l l d a t a o f a r e a s A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , . . . . A n

Important Points

The Thiessen polygon method calculates the average precipitation over an area superior to the average arithmetic method.