
Which of the following is NOT a basis of classification of boilers?


Construction of boilers


Position of furnace


Weight of boilers


Position of water

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According to ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), a boiler is defined as a combination of apparatus for producing, furnishing, or recovering heat together with the apparatus for transferring the heat so made available to water which could be heated and vaporized to steam form.

Classification of Boiler:

Depending upon the features of boilers they are classified as follows 

1. Based on orientation/axis of shell: 

  • Vertical Boiler has its shell vertical.
  • Horizontal Boiler has its shell horizontal.
  • Inclined Boiler has its shell inclined.


2. Based upon the construction of the boiler: 

  • Stationery Boiler - These boilers are stationery and are extensively used in power plants, industrial processes, heating etc.
  • Portable Boiler - These boilers are portable and are of small size. 

3. Based on the position of the furnace: 

  • Externally Fired Boilers:
    • In this heat addition is done externally means the furnace is outside the boiler unit. Exp - Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler etc.
  • Internally Fired Boilers:
    • In this heat addition is done internally means the furnace is within the boiler unit. Exp - Cochran boiler, Babcock Wilcox boiler, etc.


4. Based upon the tube content/water position:

  • Fire Tube Boilers:
    • Boilers in which the hot gases flow inside the tube and water is outside surrounding them. Exp. - Cornish boiler, Cochran boiler etc.
  • Water Tube Boilers:
    • Boilers in which the water flows inside the tubes and hot gases surround them. Exp. - Babcock-Wilcox boiler, Stirling boiler etc.


5. Based on the type of fuel used:

  • Solid Fuel-Fired Boilers - Coal-fired boilers etc.
  • Liquid Fuel Fired Boilers - Oil-fired boilers etc.
  • Gas Fired Boilers - Natural gas-fired boilers etc.


6. Based on circulation:

  • Natural Circulation Boilers:
    • In a natural circulation boiler, the circulation of water/steam is caused by the density difference which is due to the temperature variation.
  • Forced Circulation Boilers:
    • In a forced circulation boiler the circulation of water/steam is caused by a pump.