If there is no rotation of plane polarised light by a compound in a specific solvent, though to be chiral, it may mean that
(a) the compound is certainly meso
(b) there is no compound in the solvent
(c) the compound may be a racemic mixture
(d) the compound is certainly a chiral.
Correct option (a) the compound is certainly meso
Explanation :
Meso compound does not rotate plane polarised light. Compound which contains tetrahedral atoms with four different groups but the whole molecule is a chiral, is known as meso compound. It possesses a plane of symmetry and is optically inactive. One of the asymmetric carbon atoms turns the plane of polarised light to the right and other to the left and to the same extent so that the rotation due to upper half is compensated by the lower half, i.e., internally compensated, and finally there is no rotation of plane polarised light.