
The intrinsic impedence of free space is


( μ 0 ε 0 ) 1 2


μ 0 ε 0





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Intrinsic Impedance of Free space:

  • The electromagnetic wave or EM wave is a special kind of wave which do not require any material medium for its propagation.
  • As the name suggested it is a combination of the time-varying oscillating electric and magnetic field which propagates in a space with a speed very close to the speed of light.
  • EM waves are formed when the electric and magnetic field comes in contact and oscillates perpendicular to each other.
  • The direction of propagation of EM is perpendicular to that of the oscillating electric and magnetic field. Therefore it falls in the category of a transverse wave.​
  • EM waves are solutions of Maxwell's equation which are the fundamental equations of electrodynamics.
  • The Intrinsic Impedance (v)of the wave is defined as the ratio of electric field and magnetic field B of a given medium.
  •  It is denoted by  η  . so, we can Intrinsic Impedance in terms of the electric and magnetic field as:  η = E H  

From Maxwell's equations, we have

E B = v   ...(1) and

v = 1 μ 0 ε 0   ....(2)


E is the electric field in a given medium

B is the magnetic field in a given medium

μ  is the permeability of the medium and

v  is the speed of light waves in the same medium.

From magnetism, we have

B = μ H  ...(3) 

Using equation (2) and (3) in equation (1), we get

E μ 0 H = 1 μ 0 ε 0

E H = μ 0 μ 0 ε 0 = η

η = μ 0 ε 0