
Factor of safety is equal to ______.


A l l o w a b l e s t r e s s F a i l u r e s t r e s s


A l l o w a b l e l o a d F a i l u r e l o a d


Allowable stress × failure stress


F a i l u r e s t r e s s A l l o w a b l e s t r e s s

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Factor of Safety (FOS):

The ability of any structure to resist loading is known as strength.

For safety purposes, a material should have higher strength than the strength required for external loading.

This is done with the help of factor of safety which is given by –

F O S = F a i l u r e s t r e s s W o r k i n g s t r e s s

FOS should always be greater than 1.

Brittle Material:

For brittle material, FOS is given by –

F O S = U l t i m a t e s t r e s s W o r k i n g s t r e s s = σ u t σ w o r k i n g

In brittle material, fracture takes place immediately after the elastic limit with a relatively smaller deformation.

∴ fracture and ultimate stress are the same in brittle materials and FOS is calculated with that.

It can further clear with the help of this figure.

Brittle materials have a non-homogenous structure and residual stresses in the component.

To account for this, a large factor of safety is used.

Usually 3 – 5.

Ductile Materials:

For ductile material, FOS is given by –

F O S = Y i e l d s t r e s s W o r k i n g s t r e s s = σ y t σ w o r k i n g

In ductile materials, when the stress exceeds the yield strength of the material, there is a small amount of plastic deformation that does not put the component out of service.

∴ FOS is calculated with the yield stress of a material.

It can further clear with the help of this figure.

Ductile materials have a homogenous structure and residual stresses are relieved with heat treatment in the component.

To account for this, a small factor of safety is used.

Usually 1.5 – 2.