
Consider the reactions.

(i) (CH3)2CH - CH2Br + C2H5OH → (CH3)2CH - CH2OC2H5 + HBr

(ii) (CH3)2CH - CH2Br + C2H5O- → (CH3)2CH - CH2OC2H5 + Br- 

The mechanisms of reactions (i) and (ii) are respectively

(a) SN1 and SN2

(b) SN1 and SN1

(c) SN2 and SN2

(d) SN2 and SN1

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Correct option (c) SN2 and SN2

Explanation :

If reaction is SN1, there will be the formation of carbocation and the rearrangement takes place. In these reactions there is no rearrangement hence both are SN2 mechanism.