
If an ideal transformer has an inductive load element at port 2 as shown in the figure below, the equivalent inductance at port 1 is


n L


n 2 L


n L


n 2 L

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Transformation ratio of transformer is given by K = V2/V1 = E2/E1 = N2/N1.

Where N1 is the number of primary turns

V1 is the primary voltage

N2 is the number of secondary turns

V2 is the secondary voltage

Step-up transformer:

A transformer that increases the voltage from primary to secondary (more secondary winding turns than primary winding turns) is called a step-up transformer.

Therefore, K > 1

Step down transformer:

A transformer that decreases the voltage from primary to secondary (more primary winding turns than secondary winding turns) is called a step-down transformer.

Therefore, K < 1


Transformation ratio (k) = N 2 N 1 = 1 n

When Port 2 inductance L is referred to Port 1

Then, inductance will be = L k 2 = L 1 n 2 = n 2 L