
The two coil windings of a transformer are ________


electrically and magnetically linked


electrically and magnetically isolated


electrically connected but magnetically isolated


electrically isolated but magnetically linked

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In the transformer, two windings are electrically isolated but magnetically coupled. Hence the transformer is a coupled circuit.


  • A transformer is a static device that transfers power from one circuit to another circuit without a change in the frequency.
  • Generally, the winding which is connected to the supply is called primary winding, and the winding on which load  connected is called as secondary winding.
  • The transformer is a singly excited device since it requires only one external voltage source to energize any number of windings placed on its core.
  • The transformer can be treated as a phase-shifting device since it offers a displacement of approx 1800 between two circuits.
  • As the amount of flux in the transformer core is constant irrespective of power transfer, it can be treated as a "Constant flux device".
  • The transformer is a negative feedback circuit because it satisfies 'Lenz's law'.