
For an ideal gas, the molecular partition function in the canonical ensemble, that is proportional to the system volume (𝑉), is the


vibrational partition function


rotational partition function


electronic partition function


translational partition function

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Translational Partition Function (qtrans): This is the partition function related to the translational motion of the gas molecules. For an ideal gas of N identical particles in three dimensions, it can be represented as:

qtrans = (2πmKT/h2)(3/2) * V

where m is the mass of a single molecule, K is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, h is the Planck constant, and V is the volume of the system.

Rotational Partition Function (qrot): For linear molecules, the rotational partition function takes into account the rotational motion of the molecules. For temperatures well above the characteristic rotational temperature Θrot, it is given by:

qrot = T / Θrot

For non-linear molecules, the rotational partition function becomes more complex, involving the rotational constants and the symmetry number.

Vibrational Partition Function (qvib): This function describes the vibrational states of the molecule. For a molecule with a single vibrational mode and a vibrational quantum number of v, the vibrational partition function is:

qvib = 1 / (1 - exp(-hν/kT))

where h is the Planck constant, ν is the frequency of vibration, and k is Boltzmann's constant.


If we look at the formula for the calculation of various partition functions we find that only the translational partition function is directly related to the volume (V) of the system. No other partition function has (V) volume factor involved in its calculation.
Vibrational partition function
qvib = 1/ (1-e-hv/KBT)

Rotational partition function,
qrot = KB. T/  σ h B

Electronic partition function,
qelec. =   g i e B E j

Translational partition function,
qtrans = (2 π mKT)3/2.V / h2
where, V = volume of the system.
So, only the Translational partition function has a volume element in it.

So, the molecular partition function in the canonical ensemble, that is proportional to the system volume (𝑉), is the Translational partition function