
Match the following lists: List I (Property of Cement) List II (Apparatus) P. Specific gravity 1. Blain's apparatus Q. Setting time 2. Le-Chatelier's flask R. Soundness 3. Autoclave S. Fineness 4. Vicat's apparatus Select the correct answer using the code given below:


P - 1, Q - 2, R - 3, S - 4


P - 2, Q - 1, R - 4, S - 3


P - 2, Q - 4, R - 3, S - 1


P - 4, Q - 2, R - 1, S - 3

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List-I (Property of cement) List-II (Testing apparatus)
A. Specific gravity 2. Le Chatelier flask
B. Setting Time 5. Vicat's Apparatus
C. Soundness 4. Autoclave
D. Fineness 1. Blain's Apparatus


Fineness: Fineness of cement is the property of cement that indicates particle size of cement and specific surface area and indirectly affects the heat of hydration. The fineness of cement affects hydration rate hence the rate of strength gain. It is determined by the Sieve test and Blain's Air permeability test.

Initial setting time: Initial setting time of cement is regarded as the time which is measured from the addition of water up to the time it starts losing its plasticity. Initial setting time is taken as the time required by a square needle of 1 mm2 size penetrate up to the depth of 33 mm to 35 mm from the top. Vicat’s Apparatus is used to find the setting time.

Soundness: A soundness test is done to determine the uncombined lime in cement with the help of the Le-chatelier. Soundness due to magnesia is determined by the Autoclave apparatus.

Consistency: Vicat’s Apparatus is used to find out the consistency, initial setting time, and final setting time of the cement. In the normal consistency test, we have to find out the amount of water to be added to the cement to form a cement paste of normal consistency.