X and Y started a business by investing Rs. 3000 and Rs. 4500 respectively. After 5 months, X invested Rs. 2000 more while Y withdrew Rs. 1000, find the ratio of profit of Y and X respectively after an year.
50 : 47
47 : 50
25 : 47
50 : 43
50 : 47
47 : 50
25 : 47
50 : 43
Investment of X and Y = Rs. 3000 and Rs. 4500 respectively
After 5 months, X invested Rs. 2000 more while Y withdrew Rs. 1000
Formula Used:
Profit = Investment × Time
Investment of X = Rs. 3000
Investment of Y = Rs. 4500
After 5 months, X invested Rs. 2000 more while Y withdrew Rs. 1000
⇒ Total investment of X after 5 months = Rs. (3000 + 2000) = Rs. 5000
Total investment of Y after 5 months = Rs. (4500 - 1000) = Rs. 3500
After 1 year,
Total profit of X = 3000 × 5 + 5000 × (12 - 5)
Total profit of Y = 4500 × 5 + 3500 × (12 - 5)
⇒ Ratio of profits of Y and X = (4500 × 5 + 3500 × 7) : ( 3000 × 5 + 5000 × 7)
⇒ Ratio of profits of Y and X = 47 : 50
∴ The ratio of profit of Y and X respectively after an year is 47 : 50.