
Safe bearing capacity of coarse sand, compact and dry (cohesion less soil) as per IS 1904- 01961 is


450 kN/m2


250 kN/m2


150 kN/m2


100 kN/m2

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The permissible safe bearing capacity of various soils as per IS 1904:1961 is given below-

S. No. Type of soil

Permissible safe bearing capacity


A Rocks  
1. Rocks (hard) without laminations and defects, i.e. granite, trap, and diorite. 3300
2. Laminated rocks, i.e. sandstone and limestone 1650
3. Residual deposits of shattered and broken bed rock and hard shale 900


Soft rock 450
B Non-cohesive soils  
5. Gravel, sand, and gravel, compact and offering high resistance to penitration 450
6. Coarse sand, compact and dry 450
7. Medium sand compact and dry 250
8. Fine sand and silt 150
9. Loose gravel or sand-gravel mixture 250
10. Fine sand, loose and dry 100
C Cohesive soil  
11. Soft shale, hard or stiff clay in deep bed 450
12. Medium clay, readily independent with a thumb nail 250
13. Moist clay and sand clay mixture 150
14. Soft clay intended with moderate thumb pressure. 100
15. Very soft clay which can be penitrated several cm with the thumb. 50
16. Black cotton soil or other shrinkable or expensive clay in dry condition. To be determined after investigation
D Peat  
17 peat To be determined after investigation
E Made up ground  
18 Fills or made-up ground To be determined after investigation