
For saturated soils, the coefficient of proportionality between the flow rate of water and the hydraulic head gradient, is usually known as


Coefficient of Discharge


Head Constant


Coefficient of Permeability


Coefficient of Transmissivity

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Coefficient of Permeability (k):

It is the property of soil which allows the flow of water through it.

Darcy's Law:

Darcy’s Law demonstrated experimentally that for laminar flow conditions in a saturated soil, the rate of flow or the discharge per unit time is proportional to the hydraulic gradient. ⇒ Q = K i A ,

where K = Coefficient of Permeability (m/sec) , V = superficial velocity (m/sec), i = hydraulic gradient = h/L , L = Length of soil specimen

Additional Information

Coefficient of Discharge (Cd):

C d = Q a c t u a l Q T h e o r e t i c a l , In most cases, the discharge coefficient value is between 0.6-0.65.

Coefficient of Transmissivity (T):

K = Coefficient of Permeability, b = thickness of an aquifer