
In a laboratory test on the shaper, feed, depth of cut, and length of stroke are 2 mm/stroke, 4 mm, and 300 mm respectively. If the specific power consumption is 0.05 kW/cm3 per minute and the number of working strokes per minute is 20, the Power consumption is


4.5 kW


2.0 kW


2.4 kW


1.2 kW

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Velocity is given by:

(V) = f × N

where, f = feed (mm/stroke), N = number of cutting strokes per minute

Area of the workpiece (A) = d × L

where, d = depth of cut, L = length of the workpiece

Material removal rate (MRR) is given by:

Q = f × N × d × L 60

where Q is in m m 3 s

Average power consumption is given by:

Pavg = Q × U

where U is specific cutting energy.



f = 2 mm/stroke, N = 20, d = 4 mm, L = 300 mm and U = 0.05 K W c m 3 p e r min = 3 × 10 3 K J m m 3

Material removal rate (Q)

Q = f × N × d × L 60 = 2 × 20 × 4 × 300 60 = 800 m m 3 s

Average power (Pavg)

Pavg = Q × U = 800 × 3 × 10 3 = 2.4 KW