The steady-state external performance characteristic of a d.c. generator has the relationship between
generated e.m.f. and field current at constant speed
terminal voltage and field current, with constant armature current and speed
generated e.m.f. and field current, with constant armature current and speed
terminal voltage and load current at constant speed
Text Solution
Characteristics of DC generator
No-load charecterstics:- Eg v/s If
Load characteristics:-
- Internal characteristics - Eg v/s Ia
- External characteristics- Vt v/s IL
Eg= generated EMF
If= Field Current
Vt= Terminal voltage
IL= Load current
Ia= Armature current
Hence, the steady state external performance characteristic of a d.c. the generator has a relationship between terminal voltage and load current at a constant speed.
Characteristics of DC generator
No-load charecterstics:- Eg v/s If
Load characteristics:-
Eg= generated EMF
If= Field Current
Vt= Terminal voltage
IL= Load current
Ia= Armature current
Hence, the steady state external performance characteristic of a d.c. the generator has a relationship between terminal voltage and load current at a constant speed.