
Time constant of an R-L circuit is given by


λ = 2 L R


λ = L R


λ = L 2 R


λ = R L

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An L-R Series Circuit consists basically of an inductor of inductance L, connected in series with a resistor of resistance R. The resistance “R” is the resistive value of the wire turns or loops that go into making up the inductors coil.

Time constant (τ) –

The time constant is defined as the time required for the circuit to reach 63.2% of the final value (steady-state value).

Additional Information

Derivation for Time constant for RL Circuit:

Consider series RL circuit,

Applying KVL to the circuit,

V = R i ( t ) + L d i ( t ) d t

Taking Laplace Transformation of the equation at both sides,

V s = L [ s I ( s ) i ( 0 + ) ] + R I ( s )

i(0+) = 0 (Since the current just after the switch is on, the current through the inductor will be zero.)

V s = L s I ( s ) + R I ( s )

I ( s ) = V L 1 s ( s + R / L )

Now taking Inverse Laplace Transform to the above equation,

i ( t ) = V R [ 1 e R t L ] = V R [ 1 e t T ]

Where, T = L R

In the RL circuit, at t = T sec, the current becomes 63.2% of its final steady-state value.