
The two main gases that evolve from an anaerobic sludge digestion tank include


Ammonia and Carbon dioxide


Methane and hydrogen sulphide


Carbon dioxide & methane


Ammonia & methane

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Anaerobic digestion is normally adopted for primary sludge because primary sludge contains large amount of readily available organics that would induce rapid growth, of biomass if treated anaerobically.

Anaerobic decomposition process produce less biomass and primary function of anaerobic digester is to convert as much of sludge as possible to end products like liquid and gases while producing little biomass.

Waste-water contains wide varieties of organism.

These organisms are broadly classified as

a) Acid formers

b) Methane formers

Acid formers: Acid formers consists of facultative and anaerobic bacteria and include organisms which solubilize the organic acid through hydrolysis.The soluble end products are then fermented to acids and alcohol of lower molecular weight.

Methane formers: Methane formers are strictly anaerobic and converts acid and alcohol alongwith hydrogen and CO2 to methane.