Which of the following is independent of the properties of water with respect to permeability?
Coefficient of hydraulic conductivity
Coefficient of absolute permeability
Coefficient of permeability
Coefficient of percolation
Coefficient of hydraulic conductivity
Coefficient of absolute permeability
Coefficient of permeability
Coefficient of percolation
Coefficient of absolute permeability:
The coefficient of permeability (k) depends not only on the properties of the soil mass (such as size, shape, specific surface, structural arrangement. stratification, voids ratio etc.) but also on the properties of the permeant (i.e. water) which flows through it. Let us now introduce a coefficient that does not depend upon the properties of the permeant. Such a coefficient, known as the coefficient of absolute permeability (K) is defined by the expression
The above equation indicates that the coefficient of absolute permeability is independent of the properties of permeant (i.e. water) and it depends solely on the properties of soil mass.