If the majority charge carriers in a semiconductor are holes then the possible impurity that is mixed is:
Both 1 and 2
None of these
Text Solution
- Semiconductors are materials that have a conductivity between conductors and insulators.
- Semiconductors are made of compounds such as gallium arsenide or pure elements, such as germanium or silicon.
- There are two types of semiconductors:
- N-type Semiconductor
- P-type Semiconductor
N-type Semiconductor
P-type Semiconductor
In an n-type semiconductor, pentavalent impurity from the V group is added to the pure semiconductor.
In a p-type semiconductor, trivalent impurity from the III group elements is added as the impurity.
Examples of pentavalent impurities are Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth, etc.
Trivalent impurities like Aluminium, Indium, and Gallium are added to the intrinsic semiconductor.
The pentavalent impurities provide extra electrons and are termed as donor atoms.
The trivalent impurities added provides extra holes known as the acceptor atom.
Electrons are the majority charge carriers in n-type semiconductors.
The majority of charge carriers in a p-type semiconductor are holes.
N-type Semiconductor:
- In an n-type semiconductor, pentavalent impurity from the V group is added to the pure semiconductor.
- Examples of pentavalent impurities are Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth, etc.
P-type Semiconductor:
- In a p-type semiconductor, trivalent impurity from the III group elements is added as the impurity.
- Trivalent impurities like Aluminium, Indium, and Gallium are added to the intrinsic semiconductor. Hence, option 2 is correct.
- Semiconductors are made of compounds such as gallium arsenide or pure elements, such as germanium or silicon.
In a p-type semiconductor, trivalent impurity from the III group elements is added as the impurity.
P-type Semiconductor: