Which fire extinguisher is suitable for a live electrical fire?
Halon (FE)
Foam (FE)
Water filled (FE)
Liquified chemical
Text Solution
Types of fire extinguishers:
Halon extinguishers:
- These extinguishers may be filled with carbon-tetrachloride and Bromochlorodifluoro methene (BCF).
- They may be either gas cartridges or stored pressure type.
- They are more effective in extinguishing small fires involving pouring liquids.
- These extinguishers are particularly suitable and safe to use on electrical equipment as the chemicals are electrically non-conductive.
Foam extinguishers:
- These may be stored pressure or gas cartridge types.
- Always check the operating instructions on the extinguisher before use.
- Most suitable for:
- flammable liquid fires
- running liquid fires.
- Must not be used on fires where electrical equipment is involved.
Water-filled extinguishers:
- There are two methods of operation.
- Gas cartridge type
- Stored pressure type
- With both methods of operation the discharge can be interrupted as required, conserving the contents and preventing unnecessary water damage.
- flammable liquid fires
- running liquid fires.
- Gas cartridge type
- Stored pressure type