
The following program consists of 3 concurrent processes and 3 binary semaphores. The semaphores are initialized as S0=1, S1=0, S2=0. Process P0 Process P1 Process P2 While (true) { Wait (S0); Print ‘0’ Release (S1); Release (S2); } Wait (S1); Release (S0); Wait (S2); Release (S0); How many times will process P0 print ‘0’?


At least twice


Exactly twice


Exactly thrice


Exactly once

Text Solution
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The correct answer is option 1


Binary semaphore which can take only two values 0 and 1 and ensure mutual exclusion.

A process is entered into the critical section only when the value of semaphore(s) = 1

Otherwise, it will wait until semaphore(s) >0


The semaphores are initialized as S0=1, S1=0, S2=0.

Because S0 =1 then P0 enter into the critical section and other processes will wait until either S1=1 or S2 =1

The minimum number of times 0 printed:

  • S0 =1 then P0 enter into the critical section
  • print '0'
  • then release S1 and S2 means S1 =1 and s2 =1
  • now either P1 or P2 can enter into the critical section
  • if P1 enter into the critical section
  • release S0
  • then P2 enter into the critical section
  • release S0
  • P1 enter into the critical section
  • print '0'

The minimum number of time 0 printed is twice when executing in this order (p0 -> p1 -> p2 -> p0)

The Maximum number of times 0 printed:

  • S0 =1 then P0 enter into the critical section
  • print '0'
  • Then release S1 and S2 means S1 =1 and s2 =1
  • Now either P1 or P2 can enter into the critical section
  • If P1 enter into the critical section
  • Release S0 means S0 =1
  • S0 =1 then P0 enter into the critical section
  • print '0'
  • Then P2 enter into the critical section
  • Release S0 means S0 =1
  • S0 =1 then P0 enter into the critical section
  • print '0'

Maximum no. of time 0 printed is thrice when execute in this order (p0 -> p1 -> p0 -> p2 -> p0)

So, At least twice will process P0 print ‘0’