
A remembers that B celebrated his birthday after 17th but before 22nd of June, while B remembers that the birthday was celebrated before 24th but after the 20th June. On which date was the birthday celebrated ?


23rd of the June


22nd of the June


21st of the June


17th of the June

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The correct answer is option 3.


⇒ A remembers that B celebrated his birthday after 17th but before 22nd of June.

So, the birthday can be on 18, 19, 20 and 21st June.

⇒ while B remembers that the birthday was celebrated before 24th but after the 20th June.

Now, the birthday can be on 21st, 22nd, and 23rd June.

So, the common inference from both the statement is that B's birthday is celebrated on 21st June.