
Statement-I: There is no change in enthalpy of an ideal gas during compression constant temperature. 

Statement-II: Enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function of temperature and pressure.

(A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I 

(B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and statement-II is NOT the correct explanation for statement-I 

(C) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true. 

(D) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false

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Correct option (D) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false


HCl + NaOH = –13.7

∴ ∆Hrest 0 × Alkali = –25%

∆Hdiss = +2 × 13.7 – 25% = 2 

∴ H2C2O4 → 2H + C2 O4 ∆H= 2 k cal