
Which among the following method of specific gravity determination of solid particles, can be used for all types of soils, but is more suitable for medium - grained soils with more than 90% passing a 20 mm IS sieve and for coarse - grained soils with more than 90% passing a 40 mm IS sieve?


Pycnometer method


Measuring flask method


Glass jar method


Density bottle method

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Pycnometer method:

W1 = Mass of empty volume of pycnometer

W2 = Mass of pycnometer + Mass of moist sample

W3 = Mass of pycnometer + soil + water

W4 = Mass of pycnometer full of water

Gs = Specific gravity of soil solids

Water content of the soil sample is given by:

w = ( W 2 W 1 W 3 W 4 ) ( G 1 G ) 1

Specific gravity is usually reported at 27°C and it is given by:

G s = W 2 W 1 ( W 2 W 1 ) ( W 3 W 4 ) .