The intensity of rainfall is generally expressed in:
mm / sec
dm / sec
m / sec
mm / hr
mm / sec
dm / sec
m / sec
mm / hr
Intensity of Rain: It is a measure of amount of rainfall that falls over time. It is usually expressed in mm/hour or cm/hour.
Duration of Rain: Period of time during which continuous rain is observed at a given point or within a given area
Hyetograph: It is the graphical representation of rainfall intensity over a period of time.
Frequency of Rain: It is the probability distribution specifying the exceedance probability of different rainfall depths for a given duration. When we have to find out what is the probability that a particular rainfall will not be exceeded during a particular period of time, we do frequency analysis.
All the above characteristics can completely describe the rainfall at a place.
The measurement of rainfall is done with the help of Rain Gauges which is also known as pluviometer, ombrometer or hyetometer