
The compound responsible for early strength of cement is:


Dicalcium silicate


Tricalcium silicate


Tricalcium aluminate


Tetra - calcium alumino - ferrite

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Bogue's compounds in cement:

Following are the important compounds formed during the setting action of cement.

Compounds Formation over time Properties
Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) This compound is formed within about 24 hours after addition of water to the cement. It provide setting property to the cement. It is also responsible for initial setting time.
Tetra calcium alumino-ferrite (C4AF) This compound is also formed within about 24 hours after addition of water to the cement. It is responsible for flash set but generate less heat.
Tricalcium silicate (C3S) This compound formed with in a week or so after addition of water to the cement. It is mainly responsible for imparting strength to the cement in early period of setting.
Dicalcium silicate (C2​S) This compound formed very slowly. After 28 days the hydration of C3S comes practically to an end and the hydration of C2S only really begins at that time. Provide progressive strength to the cement.