
For water at 25°C, dps/dTs = 0.189 kPa/K (ps is the saturation pressure in kPa and Ts is the saturation temperature in K) and the specific volume of dry saturated vapour is 43.38 m3/kg. Assume that the specific volume of liquid is negligible in comparison with that of vapour. Using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, an estimate of the enthalpy of evaporation of water at 25°C (in kJ/kg) is _________.

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According to Clausius Clapeyron equation

\frac{{dP}}{{dT}} = \frac{{Latent\;heat \times {P_{sat}}}}{{T_{sat}^2 \times R}}\left[ {When\;{V_g} \gg > {V_f}} \right] 

d P d T = L a t e n t h e a t T s a t ( V g V f )


0.189 = L H 298 ( 43.38 0 )

LH = 2443.24 kJ/kg