
Which one of the following is the definition of ultimate tensile strength (UTS) obtained from a stress-strain test on a metal specimen?


Stress value where the stress-strain curve transitions from elastic to plastic behavior


The maximum load attained divided by the original cross-sectional area


The maximum load attained divided by the corresponding instantaneous cross-sectional area


Stress where the specimen fractures

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Ultimate tensile strength is the maximum load that a material can withstand before fracture.

Yield stress is the stress value where the stress-strain curve changes from elastic to plastic behaviour.

True stress is the maximum load attained divided by the corresponding instantaneous cross-sectional at that point.

Fracture stress is the point where the specimen fractures or ruptures. (point F in figure)

Tensile test: measures the response of a material to a slowly applied uniaxial force. The yield strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and ductility are obtained.