
What type of irrigation system is based merely on gravitation?


Flow Irrigation


Direct Irrigation


Lift Irrigation


Storage Irrigation

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Irrigation is the process of applying water to the crops artificially to fulfil their water requirements. Nutrients may also be provided to the crops through irrigation.

Types of irrigation: Irrigation may broadly be classified as follows:

(A) Surface Irrigation: In this type of irrigation water wets the soil surface. It can be further classified into:

(1) Flow Irrigation:

(2) Lift Irrigation:

(B) Sub-surface Irrigation:

Additional Information

Flow irrigation can be further subdivided into :

(a) Perennial Irrigation:

In this type of irrigation system, the water requirement for irrigation is supplied constantly and continuously in accordance with crop requirements throughout the crop period.

Perennial canal system may be further sub-divided as follows :

Storage Irrigation: When a dam is constructed across a river to store water during the monsoon and the stored water is supplied in the off taking channels during periods of low flow, it is called storage irrigation.

(b) Flood Irrigation:

This kind of irrigation is some times called as Inundation irrigation. In this method of irrigation soil is kept submerged and flooded with water, so as to cause thorough saturation of the land.