
The power rating of an electric kettle is designed for _________.


2 to 3 kW


3 to 4 kW


1 to 2 kW


4 to 5 kW

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  • An electric kettle is an electrical appliance, that has a self-contained heating unit, for heating water, and automatically switches off when the water reaches a boiling point or at a preset temperature below 100°C.
  • The power rating of an electric kettle is designed for 2 to 3 kW.
  • The electric kettle is designed with a heating coil made of aluminum or steel at the bottom of it that becomes heated when you plug the kettle into an outlet.
  • The power rating is proportional to the resistance of the element and the rate of resisting current flow depends on the power rating.
  • If the power rating of an electric kettle is much then it can boil water faster as well as it can also cost a lot of energy.
  • For example, if an electric kettle is 2.2 kW and uses for 1 hour daily then the daily power consumption of your electric kettle will be 2.2 × 1= 2.2 kW\hr