
For a Non - Newtonian fluid, apparent viscosity depends on ______.


stress intensity


proof stress




shear rate

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Fluids for which shear stress (τ) is not directly proportional to the deformation rate or velocity gradient are non-Newtonian fluid.

The relation between shear stress and rate of deformation i.e. velocity gradient can be represented by:

τ = m ( d u d y ) n

where n = flow behavior index, m = consistency index.

For Newtonian fluid:

m = μ and n = 1.

For non-Newtonian fluid:

It can be written as τ = m ( d u d y ) n 1 ( d u d y ) = μ d u d y

where μ = m ( d u d y ) n 1 is apparent viscosity.

Type of fluid



1. Pseudoplastic

Apparent viscosity decreases with increasing deformation rate

Called Shear-thinning fluids (n < 1)

Polymer solution, milk, blood, colloidal suspensions etc

2. Dilatant

Apparent viscosity increases with increasing deformation rate

Called Shear-thickening fluids (n > 1)

Honey, starch suspension, saturated sugar solutions etc

3. Bingham Plastic

Behaves as a solid until, a min yield stress, τy, and flow after crossing this limit.

Clay suspensions, creams, toothpaste, etc.

4. Thixotropic

Apparent viscosity decreases with time under a constant applied shear stress


5. Rheopectic

Apparent viscosity increases with time under a constant applied shear stress

Printer inks, gypsum pastes.