Which of the following hazards does not come under the category of physical hazards?
Radiation (ionizing and non-ionizing)
Text Solution
Occupational hazards
"Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these".
Types of occupational health hazards
- Physical Hazards
- Mechanical Hazards
- Chemical Hazards
- Electrical Hazards
- Biological Hazards
- Ergonomic Hazards.
- Physiological Hazards
- Psychological Hazards
- Physical hazards
- Noise
- Vibration
- Heat and cold stress
- Illumination
- Radiation (Ionising & Non-ionising)
- Chemical hazards
- Inflammable
- Radioactive
- Explosive
- Corrosive
- Toxic
- Biological hazards
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Fungi
- Plant pest
- Infection.
- Physiological
- Old age
- Sex
- Ill health
- Sickness
- Fatigue.
- Psychological
- Wrong attitude
- Smoking
- Alcoholism
- Unskilled
- Poor discipline
- absenteeism
- disobedience
- aggressive behaviors
- Accident proneness etc,
- Emotional disturbances
- violence
- bullying
- sexual harassment
- Mechanical
- Unguarded machinery
- No fencing
- No safety device
- No control device etc.,
- Electrical
- No earthing
- Short circuit
- Current leakage
- Open wire
- No fuse or cut-off device etc,
- Ergonomic
- Poor manual handling technique
- Wrong layout of machinery
- Wrong design
- Poor housekeeping
- Wrong tools etc,
"Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these".
- Noise
- Vibration
- Heat and cold stress
- Illumination
- Radiation (Ionising & Non-ionising)
- Inflammable
- Radioactive
- Explosive
- Corrosive
- Toxic
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Fungi
- Plant pest
- Infection.
- Old age
- Sex
- Ill health
- Sickness
- Fatigue.
- Wrong attitude
- Smoking
- Alcoholism
- Unskilled
- Poor discipline
- absenteeism
- disobedience
- aggressive behaviors
- Accident proneness etc,
- Emotional disturbances
- violence
- bullying
- sexual harassment
- Unguarded machinery
- No fencing
- No safety device
- No control device etc.,
- No earthing
- Short circuit
- Current leakage
- Open wire
- No fuse or cut-off device etc,
- Poor manual handling technique
- Wrong layout of machinery
- Wrong design
- Poor housekeeping
- Wrong tools etc,