From the following, which is not an imposed load?
Crane Load
Snow Load
Dust Load
Erection Load
Crane Load
Snow Load
Dust Load
Erection Load
As per IS 800 : 2007, Clause 3.2
For the purpose of designing any element, member or a structure, the following loads (actions) and their effects shall be taken into account, where applicable, with partial safety factors, find combinations.
(a) Dead loads; (b) Imposed loads (live load, crane load, snow load, dust load, wave load, earth pressures, etc); (c) Wind loads; (d) Earthquake loads; (e) Erection loads; (f) Accidental loads such as those due to blast, impact of vehicles, etc; and (g) Secondary effects due to contraction or expansion resulting from temperature changes, differential settlements of the structure as a whole or of its components, eccentric connections, and the rigidity of joints differing from design assumptions.
Erection Loads:
All loads required to be carried by the structure or any part of it due to storage or positioning of construction material and erection equipment, including all loads due to operation of such equipment shall be considered as erection loads. Proper provision shall be made, including temporary bracings, to take care of all stresses developed during erection. The dead load, wind load, and also such parts of the live load as would be imposed on the stricture during the period of erection shall be taken as acting together with the erection loads. The structure as a whole and all parts of the structure in conjunction with the temporary bracings shall be capable of sustaining these loads during erection.
Hence erection load is not an imposed load.