What signals a comment in Fortran 95?
An exclamation mark (!) anywhere on the line
A 'C' in column one
An asterisk (*) in column six
None of these
The correct answer is option 1.
Fortran 95:
The Fortran 95 language standard incorporates the majority of the capabilities included in the Fortran 90 and FORTRAN 77 language standards. Fortran 95, on the other hand, has dropped a few features that were part of both the Fortran 90 and FORTRAN 77 language standards.
The comment in Fortran 95 has an exclamation mark (!) anywhere on the line. A comment indicator or a statement number may precede the tab.
Except in a character string, any characters after an exclamation point,! are commentary and are disregarded by the compiler:
PROGRAM TestComment1
! This is a comment line
READ(*,*) Year
! read in the value of Year
Year = Year + 1
! add 1 to Year
END PROGRAM TestComment1
Hence the correct answer is an exclamation mark (!) anywhere on the line.
READ(*,*) Year
Year = Year + 1
END PROGRAM TestComment1