The radius of influence is:
Radius of the main well
Distance from the wall of main well to the point of zero draw down
Distance from the centre of main well to the point of zero draw down
Is calculated by thumb rule
Text Solution
Radius of the main well
Distance from the wall of main well to the point of zero draw down
Distance from the centre of main well to the point of zero draw down
Is calculated by thumb rule
Radius of influence of pumping well:
Where S =Drawdown in the well, K = Coefficient of permeability (m/sec), and R = Radius of influence in m.
Additional Information
Drawdown: It is defined as drop in water table from original water table elevation in a well due to pumping.
Cone of Depression:
In confined aquifers (artesian), the cone of depression is a reduction in the pressure head surrounding the pumped well.
Drawdown curve: It is piezometric surface under pumping.