The detention time for sedimentation aided with coagulation ranges from:
4 to 8 hours
2 to 4 hours
24 hours
8 to 10 hours
Text Solution
4 to 8 hours
2 to 4 hours
24 hours
8 to 10 hours
Detention Period
Detention period is defined as the time for which the water was in the tank and overflow rate is the velocity with which the tank fills.
In a rectangular sedimentation tank,
Some design Parameters for Plain sedimentation tanks are:
1. Detention period:
2. Horizontal flow velocity: Not greater than 30 cm/min
3. Length: Breadth ratio: (3 to 5) : 1
4. Surface overflow rate: 12000 to 18000 L/m2/day or 500 to 750 litres/hour/m2
5. Depth: 2.5 to 3.5 m
The velocity of flow, Vf = Q/(B × H)
Detention time, td = L/Vf = Volume of tank/Discharge = (L × B × H)/Q
Surface overflow rate, Vs = Q/(B × L)