
In a particular city it was observed that noise levels represented by equivalent sound pressure over 10 years period were reported 92 dB (A) what does A refer to:


A type of microphone used in measurement


A type of amplifier used in measurement


Measurement of noise in per annum


A type of weighting used in measurement

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A-weighted decibel dBA or dB(A):

  • A-weighted decibel (dBA or dB(A)) is an expression of the relative loudness of sounds as perceived by the human ear.
  • A-weighting gives more value to frequencies in the middle of human hearing and less value to frequencies at the edges as compared to a flat audio decibel measurement.
  • A-weighting is the standard for determining hearing damage and noise pollution.
  • In noise level and its measurement, the A in dB(A) or dBA refers to an A-weighting filter. A-weighting filters are commonly used in sound level measurement to estimate the sensitivity of the human ear to different frequencies of sound.

Note:- Non-weighted noise measurement is described in decibels (dB), and A-weighted noise measurement is described as a dBA or dB(A). Because the A-weighted measurement represents more of what you actually hear, two sounds can have the same dB level, but different dB(A) levels.


In noise level 92 dB(A), A means, A-type of weighting used in measurement.

Hence option (4) is correct.