
The load-flow solution is always assured in case of


Newton-Raphson method


Gauss-Seidel method


Fast Decoupled method


None of these methods guarantee

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Difference between the Gauss-Seidel method and Newton-Raphson method:

Gauss-Seidel Method

Newton Raphson Method

It requires a large number of iteration to reach convergence

It requires less number of iterations to reach convergence

The number of iterations required for convergence increases with the size of the system

The number of iterations required is independent of the size of the system

It has linear convergence characteristics

It has quadratic convergence characteristics

The Computation time per iteration is less

The Computation time per iteration is more

Less memory requirement

More memory requirement

More dependent on the selection of slack bus on the convergence

Less dependent on the selection of slack bus on the convergence

Unreliable convergent, less accurate, and used for a smaller system

Reliable convergent, more accurate, it can be used for larger power system

As accuracy is more Newton-Raphson method have assured load flow solution

Key Points

The fast decoupled load flow method is an extension of the Newton-Raphson method formulated in polar coordinates with certain approximations, which results in a fast algorithm for load flow solution.