- Heat capacity of a system is the change in internal energy with respect to temperature at constant volume.
- in statistical thermodynamics, the internal energy is given by: ,
where, q is the partition function
KB is the Boltz-man constant, T is the temperature and N is the number of particles.
- Partition function gives the statistical relation of thermodynamic properties of a system. It uses Boltzman distribution to simply give a measure of accessible energy states.
- partition function of any system is calculated as;
- First we have to find the partition function for given system. According to the question, the given indistinguishable particles have only two possible energy states 0 and
- Thus, the partition function(q) will be the sum of distribution of particles in given two energy states and thus q can be written as:
Since, the energy states are singly degenerate, it can be rewritten as:
Now, putting this in the expression of internal energy, we will have:
Solving the expression gives:
Now, at last the obtained U value can be used to find the heat capacity by partially differentiating it with respect to temperature at constant volume.
multiplying and dividing by gives
This gives,
The heat capacity at constant volume for given system of N identical distinguishable particles is :