Dipa is seven years older than Shikha. Fifteen years ago, Shika’s age was three quarters of Dipa’s age. Find the present age of Dipa.
36 years
42 years
43 years
41 years
Text Solution
36 years
42 years
43 years
41 years
Given, fifteen years ago, Shika’s age was three quarters of Dipa’s age i.e.:
Shika’s age = 3 / 4 Dipa’s age
Let, fifteen years ago Shika’s age = 3x and Dipa’s age = 4x
Also given, Dipa is seven years older than Shikha.
4x - 3x = 7
x = 7
Fifteen years ago Dipa’s age = 4 × 7 = 28
Thus, present age of Dipa = 28 + 15 = 43
Hence, ‘43 years’ is the correct answer.