
If the velocity distribution is rectangular, the Kinetic energy correction factor is


greater than zero but less than unity


equal to zero


less than zero


equal to unity

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Kinetic energy correction factor (α):

'Kinetic energy correction factor' is defined as the ratio of the kinetic energy of flow per second based on actual velocity across a section to the kinetic energy of flow per second based on average velocity across the same section. It is denoted by α.

α = K i n e t i c e n e r g y p e r s e c o n d b a s e d o n a c t u a l v e o c i t y K i n e t i c e n e r g y p e r s e c o n d b a s e d o n a v e r a g e v e o c i t y

i) α = 1.02 to 1.15 for turbulent flow

ii) α = 2 for laminar flow

In the case of a rectangular velocity distribution, the velocity is uniform across the section. Therefore, the actual kinetic energy and the kinetic energy calculated assuming uniform velocity distribution would be the same. Hence, the kinetic energy correction factor would be equal to unity.

Hence option (4) is the correct answer.