Integration of unit ramp function gives
Unit parabolic function
Unit ramp function
Unit doublet function
None of these
Text Solution
Ramp input:
It is a standard input signal that consists of a constant rate of change in input.
The ramp is a signal, which starts at a value of zero and increases linearly with time
If amplitude A=1, it is called Unit Ramp Input.
The integration of the unit ramp is a parabolic signal
A parabolic signal is expressed as
Important points:
Standard signal functions
Integral of standard signal
Impulse function - δ(t)
Step function - u(t)
Step function - u(t)
Ramp function - r(t)
Ramp function - r(t)
Parabolic function - p(t)
Standard signal functions
Integral of standard signal
Impulse function - δ(t)
Step function - u(t)
Step function - u(t)
Ramp function - r(t)
Ramp function - r(t)
Parabolic function - p(t)