Which of the following beams is an indeterminate beam?
Cantilever beam
Continuous beam
One end hinge and other end roller beam
Simply supported beam
Text Solution
Cantilever beam
Continuous beam
One end hinge and other end roller beam
Simply supported beam
Degree of indeterminacy = Total number of unknown forces - Total number of equilibrium equations
Eg. Statically indeterminate structure
Here, the total number of unknown forces = 7
total number of equilibrium equations = 3
So, the degree of indeterminacy = 7 - 3 = 4, which is greater than zero so it is a statically indeterminate structure.
Eg. Statically determinate structure
Here, the total number of unknown forces = 3 and Total number of equilibrium equations = 3
So, the degree of indeterminacy = 3 - 3 = 0, so it is a statically determinate structure.