
With reference to the divergence, which of the following statement is WRONG?


Divergence of a vector is a vector quantity


Divergence operation can be represented by del operator


Divergence of a scalar has no meaning


Expressions for divergence in different co-ordinate systems are different

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  • Divergence is a vector operator that operates on a vector field, producing a scalar field giving the quantity of the vector field's source at each point.
  • The divergence operation can be represented by a del operator (∇).
  • The divergence applied on a scalar produces zero, thus it has no meaning.
  • The expressions for divergence in different coordinate systems are different.

Case 1: Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z)

. f = F x x a x ^ + F y y a y ^   + F z z a z ^

Case 2: Cylindrical coordinate system (ρ, ϕ, z)

. f = 1 ρ [ ( ρ F ρ ) ρ + F ϕ ϕ   + ( ρ F z ) z ]

Case 3: Spherical coordinate system (r, θ, ϕ)

. f = 1 r 2 s i n θ [ ( r 2 s i n θ F r ) r + ( r s i n θ F θ ) θ   + ( r F ϕ ) ϕ ]